Exploring Your Fortune in Bingo

Don’t fret if you see others winning and you’re still stuck with cards every now and then. Do you suppose these people are just plain lucky? Then you see yourself imitating their routines and glee at your own winning afterwards. It is not uncommon to develop habits once you have become a frequent bingo customer. Sometimes winning comes by surprise that you don’t know what just happened. Some players actually have rituals in order to start their game lucky, and rituals are not uncommon with people in casinos who play roulette and poker.

Fortune Seats?

Bingo goers believe there is a bingo lucky seat. Have you been led to think that sitting in a certain chair in a bingo hall makes you win more often? And so you find yourself finding that spot every time you go there. You would rummage for that seat and take it before others do. On the other hand, if you are a first time player, you might have experienced being asked by someone to move to a different seat because you sat on their lucky seat. The idea of lucky seats is one of the biggest superstitions in bingo.

Lucky Charms

According to research, three quarters of people who go to casinos or bingo houses carry a lucky charm. Such good luck charms can be seen as key chains, amulets, jewelry, and other curious items. Other people also have a sort of lucky numbers, which they pick out of the cards they get. Some go to lengths of switching with someone else’s cards just to have those believed to be lucky numbers. However, all these beliefs work no better than giving confidence and positivity to players and are not necessarily drawers of fortune.

Understanding the Bingo Odds

Clever players can compute their chances in a game and according to some crude analysis, the number of cards you hold against the sum of all cards available determines your odds. Does that mean that buying more cards would increase your winning odds?—well, no! Save yourself from confusion by limiting the number of your cards at a given time because increasing your chances of winning is useless if you trouble yourself with several cards at the same time. Moreover, you must learn that the each of the bingo balls has the same probability of being called out. So those thinking about lucky numbers should take it easy because there is really no such thing as lucky set of figures. It doesn’t suggest that, for instance, N-34 is a lucky number because it has been mentioned four times in a row. Neither does it necessarily suggest that the balls have been tampered.

Increasing Your Chances

There are effective ways to enhance your winning odds. Having a good and comfortable spot in the venue is a good thing so as to keep yourself away from bothersome crowd. Better concentration and less distraction increase your chances of winning. Both factors are relevant in gambling, no matter whether you’re playing roulette or any other game. However, if you can buy as many cards as you can and manage to play without being troubled, then go on. Make sure that the cards have different number combinations; otherwise you didn’t increase your odds significantly. Positive thinking is another winning trait. You really just got to enjoy the game for what it is.

Playing Bingo with Good Manners

Playing bingo needs more than luck or skills and techniques, contrary to what most believe. Bingo, just like any game of chance, comes with rules and regulations that players should observe. Being a player comes with responsibilities and etiquette.

Winning the Game

The moment you figured out you won, you must immediately yell BINGO, and it should be loud enough for the floor walker to hear. The pot money shall be given to the winner once their winning card is confirmed. Well, in winning or once you know you just won, the most important thing is that you shout the winning word BEFORE the time elapses. If the game proceeds and the next number is mentioned and you failed to shout “Bingo”, your winning card is disqualified. Therefore, this is the rule you must know.

There may be cases when there are two winners, and in this case the pot money shall be divided equally among the winners. Supposing there are two winning cards, the two winners will share half the prize money.

Bingo Game Rules

Bingo rules are basically the same no matter in which bingo hall you play. But still it’s good if you know these rules by heart. If it is your first try, then ask for handouts and inquire from pros regarding the game rules. Nonetheless, the ideal thing to do if you have questions is to ask the floor walker and not the person seated beside you. You should clarify things and doubts before the game starts because asking too many questions as the game proceeds could well distract you. This guideline also applies to those who are newcomers at casinos, those who play roulette for the first time.

Bingo halls demand an age limit of 18 years old. If you are below this age, you are prohibited to play. Some bingo houses ban alcohol inside, so players aren’t supposed to take liquor nor drink it inside the venue. Smoking may also be restricted inside the venue, as there are designated smoking sections.

Take note that some Bingo houses don’t allow food but some do, so it basically depends on the venue. Policies vary among different venues. For instance, some bingo halls allow reservation of cards, while others don’t allow it. Some allow people to leave the venue in the middle of the game, others forbid it. But there are general policies observed in all bingo houses, such as disqualification of tampered bingo cards. There is no way you can get away with a tampered card because the walkers are adept at identifying authentic cards from tampered ones. You could be banned from a bingo establishment if proven liable of tampering a card. Hence, you should play honestly.

Interestingly, some venues offer special bingo games for kids although some halls don’t allow players to have companions while playing. Suppose you bring kids with you, don’t let them run around the venue and bother other gamers. They should behave well whilst you play and the game proceeds. Play quietly and don’t recite the numbers you desperately want to come off because you’ll be much of a disturbance if you do. Decorous playing is expectant of all players, even those who play roulette at casinos. Also, having a valid identification is important because you don’t know you might win and need to present credentials.

Special Bingo Playing Tips

Seasoned pros in the world of bingo has had devised plans and strategies to enhance their winning odds. They know that they can never do something about the game results. But there are ways to lead the odds to your side. The probabilities remain the same but your chances of winning can change and there are tricks to increase your winning chances. As a starter, you have to know these tips.

Bring that Winning Attitude in the Venue

The first thing is to be early at the bingo hall if you are planning to play. Rushing to the counter to purchase cards and running to your desired seat is not a good way to start. Arriving early gives you a chance to find a good seat and to fix your cards. Please don’t come to a bingo hall drunk or you’ll not only become a potential nuisance but also you won’t be able to play properly. Once you are all set, listen intently to the caller as they say the numbers, and mark your cards correctly. It really helps if you are in a fit condition when playing because you could easily commit mistakes if you’re sick or distressed. Even casino players playing roulette or poker should be there in top condition. If you don’t feel all right, you should postpone coming to any game houses.

Be All Ears

Sticking your cards onto the table is a brilliant idea because this prevents the cards from being moved or blown away. This way you will be able to focus better without having to fix your cards from time to time. Moreover, you should be seated in a spot where the caller is clearly audible. If you are too far in the corner or in an area far away from the speakers, you would be straining yourself trying to hear the numbers being said, and that doesn’t increase your luck. If you mishear numbers often, consider taking a different seat right away or next time you play. Don’t ever let your chance to shout BINGO slip away. Focus on the numbers being called out and focus on your cards. Callers usually have a set time interval between each callout, so be sure to have marked your cards before the next number is called out.

How do you better your odds

Don’t play during peak hours. Bingo halls get noisy as they accumulate crowd. Not only that. There is also a bigger chance of having multiple winners when there are more people. Play during a time when there are only few people because that’s when there is not much distraction. The stakes are usually higher when there are more people in the room playing.

Do not be confused

There are patterns to keep your mind to. Basically, you shall be given a highlighter or marker to mark the squares of the number that was called out. Marking becomes difficult when there are so many cards at a given time. Thus, you should only have a set of cards that you can work with at a given time to save yourself from stressful playing and save yourself from wasteful expenditure as well. You be able to discern patterns as you go on playing. Be familiar with these patterns just as you get yourself familiar with roulette system in a casino.